Ratio is a platform to bring players together around their passion : Gaming. It offers them to meet and play together, participate in tournaments, and earn rewards.
Ratio is a platform to bring players together around their passion : Gaming. It offers them to meet and play together, participate in tournaments, and earn rewards.
In the form of a quick exercise on redesigning the user interface, in a UX Design course, I was asked to redesign the dashboard of a medical service, in an hour or less. You can see below the original interface, and my improvements to make the user experience smoother.
LUDO is an application allowing users to rent, buy, and sell their board games. The project stands out from the competition in particular thanks to its user-friendly interface, and it’s social features. For this 2-years project, we’ve made wireframes, mockups, graphic identity, UI kits, and user testing.
The Canoe Kayak Club of Cessenon sur Orb (CKCC), is a sports association which exists since 1974 and which acts for the promotion of its activity but also as a social and educational player in the middle valley of the Orb. Our mission was to redesign the old website of the association, on a really small budget.