Le Sarter
Created in 2014 by Matias Estaño, in collaboration with La Mêlée Numérique, the starter is a pre-incubator of start-ups from Toulouse, an organization specializing in support for start-up of newly launched projects. Our mission was to make a proposal for a whole new brand identity, with its graphic chart, website mockup, print design, and a new logo related to the essence of the Starter.
DCO2 optimizes the entire process allowing each company to succeed in their low carbon transition. In collaboration with Morgane CHARTIER, Laure CLAUDEL & Aurélien DELABAN, I intervened on this project as Head of project, UX Designer and UI Designer. The company DCO2 asked us for a project study and a model for a SaaS solution that would allow companies to carry out carbon assessments.
UX Study Automated Testing Suite
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C&E Cockpit – Arborescence & Nav Revamp
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Ratio est une plateforme pour rassembler les joueurs autour de leur passion : le Gaming. L’application leur propose de se rencontrer et de jouer ensemble, de participer à des tournois et de gagner des récompenses.
Canoe Kayak Club Cessenon
The Canoe Kayak Club of Cessenon sur Orb (CKCC), is a sports association which exists since 1974 and which acts for the promotion of its activity but also as a social and educational player in the middle valley of the Orb. Our mission was to redesign the old website of the association, on a really small budget.
Heuristic evaluation synthesis – eIODA
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LUDO – Mobile interface design
LUDO is an application allowing users to rent, buy, and sell their board games. The project stands out from the competition in particular thanks to its user-friendly interface, and it’s social features. For this 2-years project, we’ve made wireframes, mockups, graphic identity, UI kits, and user testing.
10 Years of AvioBook
AvioBook is an international aviation software provider, represented by a team of current & former aviation professionals and technical experts with a genuine passion for what they do. For the 10-years Anniversary of AvioBook, during AvioBook’s Users Days in Amsterdam, I’ve created a short video aimed at reflecting the image and ambition of the company in the past 10 years, and all of those yet to come.
Be Your Hero
A startup offers a new service called « BeYourHero » which offers its visitors to aggregate all the derivative objects that exist around a film, a series or a book. Visitors are then free to consult the website the product comes from. Mission : It’s almost Christmas and Marc wants to find a gift for one of his closest friends, but he really doesn’t know what to offer. His friend is a big fan of the « The Walking Dead » and Marc would like to give him a gift around this series. My mission was to imagine the optimal user journey to find a personal and original gift, using the service BeYourHero.
UX Study on Transparency & Data traceability
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Integrated into your smartphone, MADI follows you everywhere. Equipped with our latest artificial intelligence solution, and coupled with your Neuralink implant, your domestic assistant will help you meet your daily goals. MADI is a non-invasive system that relies on exchanges via our MADI-link application.
Ratio is a platform to bring players together around their passion : Gaming. It offers them to meet and play together, participate in tournaments, and earn rewards.
Heuristic evaluation synthesis – eCockpit
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Logo for a kayak athlete, inspired by the 2024 Paris Olympics games fonts and 2020 Tokyo Olympics games illustrations
E&W Managers Activities Suite – UX Analysis
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SCR User Test – Analysis Report
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AvioBook official template
This template has been created to fit the needs of the Marketing & Sales team in AvioBook, as well as every coworker. The purpose of this project and the content library linked to it was to enable everyone to create consistent presentations that will spread AvioBook’s identity to the world.
LUDO – Tests utilisateur
dans l’objectif de concevoir une expérience utilisateur optimale au sein de notre application, nous avons mené plusieurs phases de test utilisateur. Cette recherche nous a permi de relever des pain points relatifs à l’utilisation de LUDO, et des solutions pour améliorer l’expérience des joueurs de société.
LUDO – User testing
In order to design an optimal user experience within our application, we conducted several phases of user testing. This research allowed us to identify pain points related to the use of our application LUDO, and solutions to improve the experience of all board gamers.