Team Project

Stade Toulousain Covoit

This project concerns the design of the interface for a mobile application offering carpooling solutions for rugby enthusiasts in Toulouse. As a team of 4 people, we made a high-fidelity model during a design sprint.


Interview of Mano Swerts

To promote our brand identity and our ways of working, our team within AvioBook has conducted an interview of our CTO, Mano Swerts. I’ve personnaly done the filming, motion design, montage and color grading of this project.

UI Design

Canoe Kayak Club Cessenon

The Canoe Kayak Club of Cessenon sur Orb (CKCC), is a sports association which exists since 1974 and which acts for the promotion of its activity but also as a social and educational player in the middle valley of the Orb. Our mission was to redesign the old website of the association, on a really small budget.


10 Years of AvioBook

AvioBook is an international aviation software provider, represented by a team of current & former aviation professionals and technical experts with a genuine passion for what they do. For the 10-years Anniversary of AvioBook, during AvioBook’s Users Days in Amsterdam, I’ve created a short video aimed at reflecting the image and ambition of the company in the past 10 years, and all of those yet to come.

UI Design


Ratio est une plateforme pour rassembler les joueurs autour de leur passion : le Gaming. L’application leur propose de se rencontrer et de jouer ensemble, de participer à des tournois et de gagner des récompenses.

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